The Sculpted Arms Workout- 9 drills just for the arms
Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.
Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.
Walking along the beach in the Hamptons, a man found a bottle and picked it up.
A magical genie popped out and said, “Thanks for letting me out. For your kindness, I will grant you one wish.”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I can’t because I’m afraid to fly and ships make me seasick. My wish is for you to build a highway from here to Hawaii.”
“I’m sorry,” said the genie, “but I don’t think I can do that. Just think of all the work involved. And think of all the cement that would be needed. Impossible. Think of another wish.”
The man took another moment to think about it and said, “There is one thing I’ve always wanted to know. I’d like to be able to understand women.
A blank gaze fell upon the Genie’s face for a moment then asked, “Do you want that highway with two lanes or four?”
Whether it’s carrying grocery bags, pulling, pushing, or grabbing things, being strong will make everyday tasks seem so much easier.
Today, it’s all about the arms. If sculpted arms are what you are looking for, then you are in for a treat.
Here are some of my favorite arm drills that will make you want to wear tank tops and strapless dresses all the time.
Are you ready?
Arms drills
This is what you’ll need for this workout.
1- Rear delts opener
Keep the band straight. Now, pull back the band keeping your arms straight. Repeat this drill 15 times.
Move to the next drill.
2- Lateral raises kneeling
Kneel stepping on one of the band’s loops with the right foot. Hold the other loop with the right hand and lift the band to the side keeping the arm as straight as possible. Hold it for 1 second and bring it down to the starting position. Repeat this drill for 15 reps working up to 25.
Move to the next drill.
3- Frontal raises kneeling
Stay in the same position as in the Lateral raises. Now lift the band with your right arm forward keeping the arm as straight as possible. Repeat this drill for 15 reps working up to 25.
Move to the next drill.
4- Shoulder presses kneeling
Stay in the same position as in the last 2 drills. Now perform shoulder presses with your right arm. Repeat this drill for 15 reps working up to 25 reps.
Repeat drills 2-4 on the left side.
5- Triceps dips
Go into a triceps dip position with both feet on the floor.
Now, bend your elbows until your glutes touch the floor and go back up.
Repeat this drill 25 times.
* A more advanced version is doing it with 1 leg floating.
6- Triceps extensions
Kneel and step on one of the band's loops with the right foot. Perform 15 triceps extensions with the right arm (working up to 25).
Repeat this drill on the left side.
7- Reaches on sliders
This drill is a little bit more challenging but works the entire upper body including your core.
Go on your knees. Put each hand on a Power Slider. Slide one side at a time bringing the arm forward as straight as possible while the opposite side stays stationary. Perform this drill alternating sides for 10 reps per side
8- Biceps curls
In a stand position, step on one of the band’s loops with the right foot. Hold the other loop with the right hand and perform biceps curls. Repeat this drill for 25 reps.
Repeat on the left.
9- Boxing
Wrap the band around your body. Hold one end of the band in each hand. Now punch forward alternating sides for 25 reps per side. Your goal should be 50 reps per side.
My Take
Sculpted arms can be achieved without having to spend hours at the gym.
Dedication and consistency are key. Fit arms won’t just appear out of nowhere though. You must put in the effort. But, in the end, it’s all worth it.
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And now, let’s eat
Lunch is a tough one, isn’t it? We want something easy to prepare but yet healthy and satisfying. Well, here it is. Quinoa chickpea salad with roasted pepper hummus dressing. It doesn’t get better than that.