Office Stretches (Part 1)

One of the questions I get often is “Laurent, what are the exercises that provide the most bang for the buck?

My answer is always the same. Leg exercises.

They are after all the biggest muscles in the body and the bigger the muscles, the more they will improve your metabolism. This translates to more calories burned while at rest.

I want to share with you a leg routine that will activate all of the lower body muscles.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
5 minutes to fit and strong legs

One of the questions I get often is “Laurent, what are the exercises that provide the most bang for the buck?

My answer is always the same. Leg exercises.

They are after all the biggest muscles in the body and the bigger the muscles, the more they will improve your metabolism. This translates to more calories burned while at rest.

I want to share with you a leg routine that will activate all of the lower body muscles.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
Foot pain when you walk? 5 Stretches to help release pain from plantar fasciitis.

If your first steps in the morning or after you have been sitting for a while are painful, you may be suffering from Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes.

This condition is more common amongst runners, people who are overweight, and those who wear shoes with inadequate support.

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Laurent Amzallag
7 exercises to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles

Most of us have been sitting “at work” in the kitchen, in the garage, or sofa for more than a year now.
The commute is great but the toll on our bodies is horrible.
One group of muscles that will complain about too much sitting is your hip muscles. And that can result in problems further down the line.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
5 tips to help you stick to your resolutions

But we all know how tough it is to create a new habit like going to the gym or giving up foods we love.How tough is it? 80% give up on their resolutions by the second week of February. So what can we do to increase our chances of sticking with our resolutions?
Read on. It’s not as hard as you may think.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
Tight hips? 8 stretches to loosen them up

Most of us have been sitting “at work” in the kitchen, in the garage, or sofa for more than a year now.
The commute is great but the toll on our bodies is horrible.
One group of muscles that will complain about too much sitting is your hip muscles. And that can result in problems further down the line.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
The Booty Workout (part 1) - 7 drills that will pump your booty up

Do you ever suffer from pain that radiates from your lower spine to your buttock and down the back of your leg? Does it get worse when you sit for long periods? Does it affect one side of your body?

If you answered yes to some of these questions, you may be suffering from sciatica.

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, usually by a herniated disk in your spine or by an overgrowth of bone (bone spur) on your vertebrae. More rarely, the nerve can be compressed by a tumor or damaged by a disease such as diabetes.

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Laurent Amzallag
The Sculpted Arms Workout- 9 drills just for the arms

Whether it’s carrying grocery bags, pulling, pushing, or grabbing things, being strong will make everyday tasks seem so much easier.

Today, it’s all about the arms. If sculpted arms are what you are looking for, then you are in for a treat.

Here are some of my favorite arm drills that will make you want to wear tank tops and strapless dresses all the time.

Are you ready?

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Laurent Amzallag
SCIATIC AHHHH - 7 stretches to release pain due to sciatica

Many factors can contribute to bad posture. Daily habits such as texting incessantly can increase the chances of a condition called Text Neck.

It's when your neck is held in too much flexion or forward bending for too long. Sitting at a computer, constant stress, wearing the wrong shoes, heredity and genetics can also create havoc on your posture.

If not corrected, you may suffer from muscle, joint, neck, head, or back pain. But luckily, simply adding daily stretches to your routine can help improve your posture.

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Laurent Amzallag
7 stretches for a better posture

Many factors can contribute to bad posture. Daily habits such as texting incessantly can increase the chances of a condition called Text Neck.

It's when your neck is held in too much flexion or forward bending for too long. Sitting at a computer, constant stress, wearing the wrong shoes, heredity and genetics can also create havoc on your posture.

If not corrected, you may suffer from muscle, joint, neck, head, or back pain. But luckily, simply adding daily stretches to your routine can help improve your posture.

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Laurent Amzallag
11 band exercises (for office and home)

I’m pretty certain that my wife would have the same answer. But this blog is not about love, it’s about my favorite band exercises.
I love bands. I use them in my workouts, with my clients, and during corporate wellness demos.
In this blog, I will share with you my favorite band exercises.
So go ahead and print this workout and take it with you anytime you are crunched for time or when traveling.

Are you ready?

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5 Minutes To A Strong Core

The core is important for posture.

When you bend down, you need a strong core.

When you turn to look behind you, you need a strong core.

Typing on a computer, sitting, or simply standing requires a strong core.

If you want to avoid lower back issues, you need a strong back

Needless to say, your core is worth at least five minutes of your day.

Here are some of my favorite core drills that could be done from anywhere with minimum equipment

Are you ready?

Here we go!

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