5 tips to help you stick to your resolutions

Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.



John decided it was time to lose some weight. He went on a serious diet.

One morning, however, he arrived at work carrying a gigantic muffin.
“This is a very special muffin,” he explained. “I accidentally drove by a bakery this morning when I saw those divine muffins.


 I felt this was no accident, so I prayed, `Lord if you want me to have one of those delicious muffins, let me find a parking place directly in front of the bakery’.

“And sure enough,” John continued. “The fifteenth time around the block, and there it was!”


‘Tis the time of the year when, most of us, begin thinking about starting a new diet or joining a gym.

But we all know how tough it is to create a new habit like going to the gym or giving up foods we love.

How tough is it? 80% give up on their resolutions by the second week of February.

So what can we do to increase our chances of sticking with our resolutions?

Read on. It’s not as hard as you may think.


How to stick to your resolutions

1-    Have fun with it.

It's fundamental to have fun when starting a new fitness regimen.

After all, how can you force yourself to do something you hate?

Find something that you enjoy or find a way to make it enjoyable.

For example, if you are into strength training, create challenges with friends or family members.

How many pushups can you do in 10 seconds? Have everyone at home or the office join.

Sometimes, all we need is a friendly competition to add some fun.

2-   Make yourself accountable

Do it with a friend or join an in-person or virtual group.

JOIN HERE: https://laurentamzallag.com/workoutwithlaurent

This will keep you accountable.  

According to studies, you double your chances of success when you work out with a friend.

 Also, couples that workout together only have a 6% dropout rate compared to 43% when they go in alone.

There is true power in a group. 

3-   Start small.

It’s human nature to want to see quick results. We often give up just because we don’t see our bodies change after the first workout.

Do you know what changes after your first workout? Your mind.

And when the mind changes, the body will quickly follow.

Stay consistent and just enjoy the feel-good hormones you release after each workout.

There is no such thing as quick or instant results.

Focus on small changes. Every day, do a little bit more than the previous day.

Begin with a 5-minute walk around the block. Increase it by one minute each day. By the end of your first week, you would’ve walked about one hour.

If your goal is to lose twenty-five pounds, focus on the first 5. Once that goal has been achieved, celebrate your victory and focus on the second five pounds.


4-   Do not deprive yourself 

People often begin a diet with big promises of cutting everything they love from their diet.

My philosophy is that you should be able to enjoy everything but in moderation.

Do I personally eat pizza? For sure. Cake? You bet. My wife is a baker. How could I not?

I get to enjoy them but I never overindulge.

After all, you do not need to wolf down an entire large pizza to satisfy your craving. A few slices and you’ll be fine.

So don’t give up on the foods you love just because it’s not part of a “diet”. Just learn to enjoy everything in moderation.

5-   Change for the right reasons

If your only goal is to impress your followers on Instagram, your journey will end before it begins.

You have to focus on the true reason for your change.

Perhaps you want more energy to keep up with your kids or you want to be in better health.

Whatever your reason is, find it. It will be your driver and will keep you motivated no matter what obstacle you may face.

My Take

Creating new healthy habits or getting rid of old ones is hard.

But trust me. Everything is hard at first for everyone before it becomes easy.

How long will it take to create a new habit?

According to new studies, it could take between two to eight months to create a new behavior (not twenty-one days as previously thought).

But, in the end, it doesn’t matter how long it takes. Whether it’s twenty-one days or three hundred and fifty days, you must put in the work.

And this begins with day one.

Follow the tips I shared and just go for it. You are always better off on day two.

As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about!
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And now, let’s eat

I love simplicity. And since we are talking about creating new habits, let’s begin with an easy and simple snack idea.

Peach skewers? Have you ever had them?

Fresh, simple, delicious.



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Laurent Amzallag