7 exercises to strengthen your rotator cuff muscles

Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.

Frank and Harry are out for a round of golf on a beautiful morning.

As Frank gets set to take his swing, a funeral procession goes by. He steps back, takes his hat off, and holds it over his heart. Harry walks over, puts his hand on Frank's shoulder, and says "That was a thoughtful thing to do". To which Frank replies "It was the least I could do, we were married for 30 years.",


Do you have trouble lifting your arm?

Do you sometimes feel pain while reaching back for things or combing your hair?

Does your shoulder pain affect your sleep?

It may be your rotator cuff muscles.

The rotator cuff consists of a group of four muscles that help you perform several functions such as rotating your arm, lifting your arm away from your body, and stabilizing your shoulder during overhead motions.

 Repetitive overhead movements, heavy lifting over a prolonged period, weakness or misuse of the rotator cuff muscles can make them more prone to inflammation and tears.

Today, I will share my favorite exercises that will help you strengthen your rotator cuff muscles and reduce the chances of injuries.

Are you ready?

Rotator cuff exercises

This is what you’ll need for this workout.


Order it here (you also receive the downloadable workout)


Setting up your band

 1-             External rotation


Attach the band securely against a door or pole.

Keeping your arm bent at a 90-degree angle and close to your body, pull the band away from your body without flailing your arm. Repeat this movement 15-20 times.

 2-    Internal rotation


Keep the band attached securely against a door or pole.

Keeping your arm bent at a 90-degree angle, bring the band close to your body. Repeat this move 15-20 times.  

3-  Double external


Hold the band with your palm facing up with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle.

Now pull on both sides away from your body while keeping your elbows close to your body. Repeat  this move 15-20 times.

4-    V-Shape


In a standing position. Lift your arms straight at an angle with your thumbs facing up. You can also use very light weights (1 or 2 pounds ). Repeat this move 15-20 times.


5-    Y Shape lift


Begin with your arms at shoulder height. Now, lift your arms towards the ceiling. Repeat this move 15-20 times.

 6- Thumbs up


Lay down on your stomach, face down, and keep your legs down. Now lift your arms with thumbs towards the ceiling.

Repeat this move 15-20 times.

7-    Superman (more advanced)


Lay down on the floor keeping your legs off the ground. Now, begin with your elbows bent. Bring them forward but don’t let your elbows touch the floor.

Repeat this move 15-20 times.


My take


The rotator cuff muscles, like any other muscle group, are prone to injuries if not used properly or if they are weak. Age and family history can also contribute to rotator cuff injuries.

Certain things, we have no control but we can fix weak muscles with the exercises I just shared with you.

You don’t have to do them all at once. Pick and choose 2 or 3 a day and do them.

It’s a small investment that will help you reap many benefits.


As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about.


And now, let’s eat.

How do you create a power salad with a mason jar?

Very easily.

Just add vegetables, chickpeas, and tuna. Et voila!!!

 It does not get more delicious and healthier than this.


Bon appétit!


Energize your corporate team with Laurent’s signature wellness sessions.

Laurent Amzallag