6-minute workout (When you are in a hurry)

Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.


I joined a gym 6 months ago and still haven’t lost a pound. Tomorrow, I’m heading down there in person to find out what’s going on.


There are millions of excuses not to go to a gym. No time, too cold, sweaty people all around, you name it.

The good news is that you do not need to go to a gym to get the benefits of exercise. You can do it right at home or at the office AND, you can do it in 6 minutes.

Now let’s be clear. This six-minute sequence is not a miracle pill.

The Mayo Clinic recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week which comes out to 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

This 6 minutes sequence does not replace that recommendation but if it’s between doing nothing or getting six minutes of movement, I rather do that.

In the end, It’s all about the mindset.

Six minutes of movement will make you feel better.

When you feel better, other healthy habits will follow.


Six-minute sequence

I love bodyweight exercises. Why?

It doesn’t require any equipment, It can be done from anywhere and there are fewer chances for injuries.

Let me share with you a quick sequence that can be done when you are crunched for time.

This 6-minutes sequence is made of 12 movements (30 seconds per movement). They will target every muscle and it will also challenge your cardio, strength, flexibility, and balance.


Are you ready?

Hip Opener

Great stretch before a workout or anytime during the day. Stay in the stretch position for 5 seconds and switch sides. Repeat twice per side (It should take you 30 seconds)



Classic drill. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds.



Another classic drill. You have 30 seconds to do as many pushups as you can.


Mountain Climbers 

Go on all fours. Now bring your knee to the chest and alternate sides. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds.


 Core Claps

Lay down on your back. Clap between your leg and then touch your heel with your opposite hand. Alternate sides. Repeat for 30 seconds


Tricep Dips

You can use a chair, sofa or even the floor. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.



Great drill for all major muscles of your lower body. Lunge forward and stand on 1 leg. Alternate side. This drill will also challenge your balance. If you are doing this for the first time, do it close to a wall. Repeat this drill for 30 seconds.



Floor splits

Great cardio drill. Go into a pushup position and then spread the legs and then bring them back together at the center. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.



Squat down as low as you are comfortable with your arms forward. Make sure your knees are behind your toes. You can also do it over a chair. Do as many as you can in 30 seconds.



A great drill to strengthen your core. Go on your elbows and keep your body parallel to the floor for 30 seconds. You can also go on your knees if you are beginning your journey. The golden standard for the plank is 2 minutes and the world record is around 10 hours. Just something to think about.



Piriformis stretch

 This is a great stretch that could be done after a workout, or anytime during the day.

Lay down on your back and bring one leg on top of the opposite knee. Then bring that leg towards your chest and keep it there for 5 seconds.

Repeat it twice per side (it should take you 30 seconds)



Child’s pose

Great stretch for the lower back. Lean back as far as you can. Bring your arms forward and completely relax your body. Stay in that position for 30 seconds.


 My Take

Our bodies need to move. That’s how we are built. Six minutes might not seem like much but it’s enough to make you feel good.

You’ll raise your heart rate. You’ll get your muscles activated and you will get a little bit more flexible. So go ahead. Print this workout and block six minutes out of your day.

You’ll be happy you did it.

And now, let’s eat

 Here’s a Muesli with raspberries breakfast idea for those mornings when the alarm clock “forgot” to ring.

It’s healthy, delicious, and ready in 5 minutes.

Bon appétit. 


Hire Laurent and energize your corporate team with his Power-Up sessions.