5 Minutes To A Strong Core


Hi there, I hope you are having a great day!

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a workstation.

The core. We constantly hear about it but something called “I have no time” comes between us and our quest for a stronger core.

The core is important for posture.
When you bend down, you need a strong core.
When you turn to look behind you, you need a strong core.
Typing on a computer, sitting, or simply standing requires a strong core.

If you want to avoid lower back issues, you need a strong back. Needless to say, your core is worth at least five minutes of your day. Here are some of my favorite core drills that could be done from anywhere with minimum equipment.

Are you ready?

Here we go!

Five minutes to a strong core

Before we get to work, let’s understand the different layers that make up your core. There are three different layers.

Transverse Abdominis: The deepest layer which stabilizes your spine and pelvis.

External Oblique: The 2 different layers of oblique muscles which control lateral flexion and rotations.

Rectus Abdominis: This one sits at the top and is better known as the “six-pack”. This layer is responsible for the flexion of the torso like when you perform a crunch.

As you can see, just doing crunches is not enough. You must do multiple movements to target all 3 layers.

So now, here are my favorite core drills

I built this sequence as a “mini core workout” which means that you should do these drills back to back with little or no rest between them.

Two ways you can do this:

1) One minute per drill and you repeat the sequence once


2) 30 seconds per drill and you repeat the sequence twice

Try them both and see which way works best for you.
Take it slow at first, you’ll get there!!


A classic drill. Keep your body parallel to the floor and stay in that position for 30 seconds or 1 minute.

If you are more advanced, do it with one leg up in the air.


 Core Claps

 I love this one especially when performed right after a plank.

Clap both hands between your leg and then touch your heal with your opposite hand (right-hand touches the left heel and vis versa)

Alternate sides. Repeat this drill for 30 seconds or 1 minute.

2 core drills.png

Side twists

This drill will target your obliques. Have your feet off the ground (if you are a beginner, keep them on the floor). Now twist your body side to side. You could use a lightweight if you have one handy. Repeat the drill for 30 seconds or 1 minute.

core side twists.png


Another classic move. Have your arms straight going towards the ceiling. Don’t drop your body on the way down. Go down nice and slow. By this point, your abs will be screaming. Repeat 30 seconds or 1 minute.

core combos 2.png

 Core Flaps

Lay down on your back. Lift your shoulders off the ground (you can have your hands supporting your head if it bothers your neck) and without moving your upper body, flap your legs up and down. Repeat for 30 seconds or 1 minute.



Bonus combo

core combos 2.png
core combos 2.png

As you get a little stronger, you can substitute the last 2 drills (crunches and core flaps) with this combo.

30 seconds or 1 minute of crunches followed by bridges on sliders.

In a plank position, drag the feet using the sliders towards the chest and back. Try not to bend your legs when performing this drill.

The sliders work best on carpet or hardwood floors.

If you do not have sliders,

 My Take

There are hundreds if not thousands of great core drills. I wanted to share just a few with you.

As you can see, 5 minutes a day, 3 times a week is all it takes to strengthen your core. A weak core increases your risks for injuries not only in your lower back but also in your shoulders, hips, and knees.

Why wait? Begin your core habit today. You’ll be happy you did.

And now, let’s eat

 Certain foods can help you burn abdominal fat. Black beans are one of them, It’s healthy and it contains 8 grams of fiber per cup.

Plus, it has been shown to increase calorie burn in mice. If it’s good for the mice, it should be good for us.

Enjoy these Roasted vegetables & Black Bean Tacos. 

Roasted vegetables & Black Bean Tacos.


Ingredient Checklist

  • 1 cup roasted root vegetables (see associated recipe)

  • ½ cup cooked or canned black beans, rinsed

  • 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1 teaspoon chili powder

  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander

  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt

  • ¼ teaspoon ground pepper

  • 4 corn tortillas, lightly toasted or warmed

  • ½ avocado, cut into 8 slices

  • 1 lime, cut into wedges

  • Chopped fresh cilantro & salsa for garnish


Instructions Checklist

  • Step 1

    Combine roasted root vegetables, beans, oil, cumin, chili powder, coriander, salt and pepper in a saucepan. Cover and cook over medium-low heat until heated through, 6 to 8 minutes.

  • Step 2

    Divide the mixture among the tortillas. Top with avocado. Serve with lime wedges. Garnish with cilantro and/or salsa, if desired.

Associated Recipes

Sheet-Pan Roasted Root Vegetables

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 2 tacos

Per Serving:

343 calories; protein 7.9g; carbohydrates 44.4g; dietary fiber 12.1g; sugars 5.7g; fat 16.8g; saturated fat 2.4g; vitamin a iu 3364.9IU; vitamin c 12.9mg; folate 100.6mcg; calcium 97.3mg; iron 2.7mg; magnesium 64mg; potassium 700.8mg; sodium 352.4mg.


2 1/2 fat, 2 1/1 starch, 1/2 veg

Bon appétit. 


Hire Laurent and energize your corporate team with his Power-Up sessions.