The express cardio workout (part 1)
Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.
Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.
A cardiologist's car breaks down and he goes to a mechanic to get it fixed.
After everything is done, the mechanic asks the cardiologist:
“Here’s what I don’t understand. I fix engines, and so do you, albeit human ones, so why do you get paid ten times more than I do?”
The cardiologist then turns the ignition on and says “try fixing it with the engine running.”
I received many requests for quick cardio sequences that could be done at home with minimal equipment. So here it is.
Are you ready?
Cardio drills
Here are 7 of my favorite cardio drills.
This is what you’ll need for this cardio workout.
Power sliders and knotted band. Great as a holiday gift.
First, go through each drill at your own pace. Take the recovery time you need between drills. The goal is to go from drill to drill with minimal rest. You’ll get there.
1- Jacks
Have your arms all the way up with your legs close to one another.
Now bring your arms to the side and keep them as straight as possible while spreading your legs in a squat position. Then, bring them back to the original position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
2- Tire drill
Imagine having both feet in between tires. Now alternate lifting the feet off the ground as fast as you can while keeping your legs bent. Repeat for 30 seconds.
3- Side shuffles
Start in a squat position touching the floor with your right hand. (or going as low as you can while keeping your back as straight as you can).
Now hop to the opposite side, land in a squat, and touch the floor with the opposite hand. Repeat for 30 seconds.
4- Football squats
Stand straight up. Now as you go down towards the floor, you spread your legs and touch the floor (or go as low as you are comfortable). Repeat for 30 seconds.
5- Mountain climbers on sliders
Put each foot on a slider. Now perform mountain climbers by bringing one knee in while the other leg is extended. Repeat for 30 seconds.
6- Punches with bands squats
Wrap the band around your body.
Now begin punching while performing a squat at the same time. Repeat for 30 seconds.
7- Front kicks
Go down in a lung position keeping the right leg forward and the left leg back. Touch the floor with the left hand. That's your initial position
Now stand up and kick forward with the right leg. Go as quick as you can. Repeat for 30 seconds. (if you can’t go low enough to touch the floor, no worries. Go as low as you are comfortable with your lunges.)
When you are done with the right side, do the same thing on the left.
8- Pushups with splits
ADVANCED (with band)
Put each foot on a slider. Now, as you go down to perform a pushup, you split your legs (must be done at the same time). If it’s too challenging to perform the pushups on your toes, do two splits first, then perform one pushup on your knees.
For a more advanced version, you can wrap the band around the body and perform the pushups with the extra tension from the band.
Repeat for 30 seconds.
My Take
To me (that’s my personal opinion), doing cardio alone is not the best approach if weight loss is your only goal.
Rare are the people that lose weight and keep it off by just doing cardio.
So much more goes into weight loss.
A healthy diet, strengthening your muscles (which increases your metabolism), good sleep habits, and low stress are a few examples that will have a bigger impact on your waistline rather than spending hours on a treadmill.
That being said, I like to incorporate cardio drills into my workouts because it makes me feel good. I get to clear my mind, I get to sweat, I get to unleash happy hormones and increase my endurance.
If I get even a few of these items, then it’s mission accomplished.
As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about!
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And now, let’s eat
I love burgers but I don’t like to eat red meat that often.
My solution? A sweet potato-black bean veggie burger.
Enjoy them for dinner and have leftovers for lunch. It’s so delicious, the whole family will love it.