6 must-do exercises and stretches to help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.

 Johnny raises his hand in class and asks, “Teacher do you think someone should get in trouble for something they didn’t do?”

The teacher responds, “Of course, not!”

Johnny: “Oh, good. I didn’t do my homework.”

Do you ever feel any tingling or numbness in your fingers or hands?

How about weakness to the point where objects might drop from your hands?

If you said yes to one or both, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

CTS is caused by pressure on the median nerve which runs from your forearm through a passageway in your wrist (carpal tunnel)

to your hand.

And when the median nerve is compressed, symptoms like numbness, tingling, weakness in your hand and arm can occur.

The stretches I’m about to show you will help you in case you suffer from CTS.

They can also be used as prevention. You don’t have to wait until you are hurt to stretch. Take a few minutes each day and do them. It’s all worth it.

Are you ready?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Stretches

 This is what you’ll need for the stretches


12 inch double-knotted premium band + trigger point massage ball


1-    Forearm roll


You will need the massage ball for this drill. Lay your forearm on the ball and start rolling. Cover the whole forearm. Repeat that 1 minute per arm.

2-    Fists bend


Make a fist and bend your elbows. Now lift your wrists as far as you can and then bring them down as low as you can. Repeat that 10 times up and 10 times down.

3-   Thumbs facing Up


Make a fist again but this time the thumbs are facing up.

Bring them up as high as you can and down as low as it can go. Repeat it 10 times per direction.

4-   Forearm stretch


Have your arms facing forward like in a STOP position. Now, take your left hand and put it on top of the fingers on the right hand. Apply pressure until you feel the stretch on your forearm.

Hold the stretch for 2 seconds and release. Repeat this 10 times per hand.

5-   The Prayer stretch


Put your palms together with elbows close together. Now, keep your palms together while you bring your hands down and your elbows out. If you do suffer from CTS, you will feel it on that one.

Repeat that 10 times.

6-    Forearm curls

You will need the double loop band for this one.

 This particular drill is great to strengthen your forearms.

Put your foot in one of the loops and hold the other while you rest your forearm on a table or leg. Now perform forearm curls. Repeat 10 times per side.

My take

So many factors can contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Nerve damaging conditions such as diabetes, your sex, if you are on medications, obesity, and workplace factors. The list goes on.

One thing is for sure. Stretching and strengthening your forearms can only help.

Make it a habit, every day. Every couple of hours, just stop whatever you are doing and stretch. You don’t have to do them all. Even if you do one drill, you will reap benefits.

I hope this blog helps.

As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about


And now, let’s eat.

Here’s a great dessert idea for the whole family.

Vegan Chocolate dipped banana bites.

Easy to prepare and super delicious.


Bon appétit!


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