5 minutes to fit and strong legs


Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.

A man went into a lawyer's office and demanded to see the lawyer. He was escorted into the lawyer's office.

The man needed legal help, but he knew how expensive lawyers could be, so he inquired, "Can you tell me how much you charge?"

"Of course", the lawyer replied, "I charge $500 to answer three questions."

"Don't you think that's an awful lot of money to answer three questions?"

"Yes it is", answered the lawyer, "What's your third question?"


One of the questions I often get is “Laurent, what are the exercises that provide the most bang for the buck?

My answer is always the same. Leg exercises.

They are after all the biggest muscles in the body and the bigger the muscles, the more they will improve your metabolism.

This translates to more calories burned while at rest.

I want to share with you a leg routine that will activate all of the lower body muscles.

Are you ready?

Leg workout

Here’s what you need for this workout.

1-    Sprinters Lunges right side


Put your right leg forward and go down in a sprinter’s position while keeping your back straight (if you cannot go all the way down, go as low as you can while keeping the proper form).

Now, perform half lunges from the bottom. Repeat this drill for 25 repetitions.

2-  2-position Cross Lunges on the right side


Cross your left leg behind your right (position 1) and then land to the side of the right leg (position 2). Repeat this drill for 25 repetitions.

3-   Front/Back on the right side


Keep your right leg stationary. Now with your left, do a front lunge and then a rear lunge. Repeat 10 times in the front and 10 times in the back for a total of 20 repetitions.

4-   Half side squats (using the double loop band)


Put the band around the knees. Now, in a semi-squat position, perform a half squat towards the right side. Bring the leg back in the center and repeat without going all the way up.

Repeat this drill for 25 repetitions.

 Now, repeat the whole sequence on the left side.

My take

It’s tough to tax the leg muscles without equipment like squat racks or leg press machines.

This is why I like to focus on one side at a time using multiple drills. It will mimic the use of fancy machines and trick the body into believing that it’s lifting heavier weight than your actual body weight. It’s a technique I use with my clients and in my classes. It works. Try it!!

As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about


And now, let’s eat.

In a hurry? How about a smoothie?

Here’s one of my favorite ones. Peanut Butter Sandwich Smoothie. The name alone is delicious. Try it with this vegan protein powder.

Get my favorite Protein Powder here


Get my favorite Protein Powder here

Bon appétit!


Energize your corporate team with Laurent’s signature wellness sessions.

Laurent Amzallag