Office Stretches (Part 1)


Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.
Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny. 

A trainer asks his client what she was going to give up for lent.
The client answered that she was going to give up drinking Coca-Cola.
A few days later, the trainer asks his client how she is doing on her lent promise.
The client replied: “Great. I’m now drinking Pepsi.”

Sometimes finding the time to move our bodies can be hard (or at least that’s what we convince ourselves.)
The truth is, it’s not. It takes a few minutes, a little space, and discipline. 
I want to share with you some of my favorite office stretches.
When done regularly, they will help you reduce pain, decrease muscle stiffness while increasing your range of motion.
Regular stretching will also help you reduce stress.

Are you ready?

Office stretches

Here’s what you need for this workout.

1-    Good morning


Great way to begin each day (but should also be done throughout the day).
Take a deep breath while you bring your arms up. Hold them there for 2 seconds and exhale as you bring your arms back down to their starting position. Repeat 5 times.

2-  Wipers (use the double-loop band)


Lift your arms the same way you did for the Good morning stretch while holding the double looped band.
Now, tilt your body to the side. Hold that stretch for 2 seconds and then go back to the original position. Repeat this stretch for 5 reps per side (alternating).

3-   Trunk rotations


This is a great upper body stretch.
Put your arms together. Now stretch one side at a time.Repeat this stretch 5 times per side.

4-   Forearm stretch


Have your arm straight in front of you as if you were signaling someone to stop.
With the opposite hand, put it on top of your fingers and apply pressure. Do not resist the stretch. As soon as you feel the stretch in your forearm, hold it for 2 seconds and release.
Repeat this stretch for 5 reps and then do the same thing on the other side.

5-     Shoulder stretch



Bring your arm straight across your chest and apply some pressure on your elbow.
You should feel the stretch in the back of your shoulder. Hold it for 5 seconds and release. 
Repeat it twice on each side.

6-     Chest stretch

Sit on a chair (with no wheels), lean back while dropping your arms back.
Let the weight of your arms assist with the stretch.
Stay in that position for 5 seconds. Go back to the original position and repeat 3 times.

My take

Incorporating stretches into your daily routine is not that difficult.
Every couple of hours, I want you to stop everything you’re doing and do a couple of stretches from this list.
You don’t have to do them all at once. Pick and choose 2 or 3 and on the next day, do a few more.
I promise you, once you have created your daily stretch habit, you won’t be able to live without it.

* If you feel pain while doing a particular stretch, skip it.

As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about

And now, let’s eat.

This recipe is so delicious, your kids will be fighting for it.
The Orzo Salad with cherry tomatoes and green beans only takes 20 minutes to prepare.
Now that’s a great dinner idea when you are crunched for time and still want something healthy.
And while you’re at it, make a little bit more for your lunch the next day. Prepping is the way to go!

Bon appétit.


Energize your corporate team with Laurent’s signature wellness sessions.

Laurent Amzallag