My favorite 6 leg drills (to boost metabolism)

Hi there, I hope you are having a great day.

Let’s begin our newsletter with something funny.


Feeling bad about not getting enough exercise?

Get a dog and name him “10 miles” so you can say you walk/run 10 miles every day.


Remember the days when you could wolf down bagels, candy bars, and frozen pizza without making a dent in your weight?

Today, you smell a donut and the scale starts moving.

What happened?


Most women enjoy the highest metabolic rate or BMR (which is the number of calories you can burn by just living) in their teens or early twenties. Genetics play a big part but your activity level is also a big contributor.

Plus, women continue building bone up until about 25 years old which also helps you burn calories.

But, the BMR dropped roughly one to two percent per decade after that.

Men have greater amounts of testosterone in their bodies. Combine that with less body fat and more muscle, and you end up with a higher metabolism.

But testosterone starts dropping as men age.

This makes men less metabolically active and leads to reduced mass and a slower rate of burning calories.


And what results from a slower metabolism?

Weight gain!!!

 Today, I want to share with you my favorite exercises that will help you boost your metabolism

Are you ready?


My favorite leg drills

 I want to focus on leg muscles.

Why leg muscles? Because they make up the biggest muscles in your body.  The bigger the muscles you work on, the more impact they will have on your metabolism. Legs ARE the furnace of the body.

That being said, it doesn’t mean that you should neglect the upper body muscles.

You just get more bang for your buck working on your lower body muscles.

Without further due, here are some of my favorite leg drills.


1-     Ice Skaters


 A great drill to warm up too. Hop side to side for 30 seconds. (If you are a beginner, keep the hops short).


2-    Mountain climbers

 Bring one knee to your chest while the other is straight back. Move back and forth. Repeat for 30 seconds.



3-    Power step-ups

On a bench, sofa, or chair (make sure it’s not on wheels), step up and down and repeat for 15 seconds per side.


 4-    Frog leaps

 Hop as far forward as you can turn around and do it again. Make sure you land in a squat.

If you are a beginner, try to keep the hops short. Repeat for 30 seconds.



5-  Splits

 On the floor, start with your legs together. Then split them apart and bring them back together.  Repeat for 30 seconds.



6-    Football squats

 From a standing position, split your legs while going down to touch the floor. Keep the back as straight as possible. Go back to the original position and repeat it for 30 seconds.

If you are beginning your journey, keep your legs shoulder-width apart and go down as low as you can while keeping the back as straight as possible (it’s ok if you don’t touch the floor) and go back up. Repeat for 30 seconds.


 My take

Metabolism will change as we get older. That’s a fact.

If we don’t do anything, our metabolism will slow down and the extra weight will be harder to lose.

But, by adding a little movement to your lifestyle, you can help slow down or even reverse the whole process.


Pick and choose a few drills per day. You don’t have to do them all at once.

It might be tough at first but everything worth doing is hard before it becomes easy.

As always, please share this newsletter with someone you care about.

And now, let’s eat.

Are you looking for a great lunch or dinner idea? Well, here it is.

I present to you a Butternut and quinoa salad. It only takes 10 minutes to prepare and the whole family will love it. 



Hire Laurent and energize your corporate team with his Power-Up sessions.

Virginia Zaidenberg