How to Focus on the Positive


Hi there, let’s start the post with something funny:

My crush told me that I'm pretty.
Well, the whole sentence was "you're pretty annoying", but I focus only on the positive things.

Focusing on the positive is a powerful tool.
First, it’s healthier. Less stress, better sleep and it’s good for our relationships.
Second, being positive is contagious. The more positive we are, the more we attract positivity around us.
So if you feel like your morning smile could use a little lift, continue reading.
I’m going to share three simple life lessons that will unleash the positive that lives within.

1- Be grateful

Do you have to wake up early to go to work? Be grateful you have a job.
Your friend keeps calling you every time he or she has relationship problems? Be grateful that you have friends that trust you when they are going through a hard time.

Do you want to shift your focus away from negative thoughts? Be grateful.
Instead of focusing on what is wrong in our lives, let’s focus instead on the good things. The ones that make us special.
What is it that draws people to us? Maybe it’s an amazing sense of humor or an angelique voice. Maybe it’s an ability to lift someone in need or to introduce someone to a friend.
Whatever that gift or talent is, let’s be grateful for it and let’s bring it out so everyone can see it.

2- Contribute

What’s more exciting than sharing something positive with the rest of the world?
It’s called a contribution. Once we have discovered that “special gift,” let’s spread the joy. If fitness is your thing, then go and inspire others to live a healthy life. What a great gift! If laughter is what you are good at, then go and perform comedy. We all know that the world needs to laugh more.

It could be something as simple as saying thank you or complimenting a perfect stranger. Giving is far more rewarding than receiving. No wonder Santa Claus is always smiling.

3- You first

One of our characteristics as humans is our drive to improve, to be better. That’s how we advance as a species. We should all strive to be a little better than the day before.

That means taking care of ourselves first. Eating healthy foods and allowing ourselves an occasional indulgence. Yes, we can all enjoy our favorite treats from time to time.

Let’s commit to moving our bodies a little bit more than the previous day.

Let’s drink one more glass of water and let’s work on making sure we get a little bit more sleep than the previous night. Let’s take care of ourselves first.

My Take

Feeling positive begins with taking care of yourself first.

The more you move and eat right, the better you’ll feel. The better you feel, the more thrilled you are with yourself, and the more thrilled you are with yourself, the more positive you’ll feel and the more positive you feel, the more you’ll want to contribute and spread joy to those around you.

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher said it even better:

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

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À bientôt,


Virginia Zaidenberg