Got Sleep?


When you ask a health professional how to improve your sleep, you will get the usual trifecta:

- limit your caffeine intake
- exercise
- try to keep the same wake and sleep time every day.

Great advice, but we’ve heard it over and over. I’m looking for new stuff!!!

Best foods for sleeping

How interesting is that? Foods that can help you sleep better?
I’m in!!
Here are the best foods that can contribute to better sleep:

1- Cherry juice

Drinking 100% tart cherry juice one hour before going to bed has been shown to improve sleep quality and time by 84 minutes.
The juice fights against inflammation and reduces muscle soreness.

2- Fatty fish

Studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids like the ones found in fish (salmon, for example) may improve sleep quality and quantity while reducing sleep disturbances.
Nuts, seeds, and flaxseed oil are also great.

3- Kiwi

Research has found that eating kiwi daily improves the quality and quantity of sleep.
According to the research, men and women were able to fall asleep over 35 percent faster, sleep more soundly, and experienced a 13.4 percent increase in total sleep time.
Why kiwi?
Scientists believe that kiwi is high in antioxidants and can elevate serotonin synthesis which has a positive effect on the sleep cycle.

4- Low-fat and high-protein foods like turkey

Lean turkey contains L-tryptophan, which the body uses to create vitamin B3, which helps produce the chemical serotonin and the hormone melatonin both of which are associated with sleep.
Chicken, cheese, fish, yogurt, and eggs are other foods that contain L-Tryptophan.

5- Complex carbs

Complex carbs and fiber help increase the ability to stay asleep and decrease daytime sleepiness.
Foods like oatmeal, grains, and beans are great examples of complex carbs.
Stay away from simple carbs like processed foods. They are high in sugars and are associated with increased fatigue and cause disruption in sleep.

Certain foods can help you sleep better. Isn’t nature incredible?

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À bientôt,


Virginia Zaidenberg