When is the best time to work out?


Let’s begin our blog with something funny.

After a couple of hours of flight, an airplane found itself through some serious turbulence.
Panic was in the air and a young passenger got nervous.
“What if the plane crashes”? says the young man nervously to the person sitting next to him.
“Do not worry. It will not crash. Plus, you are way too young. It’s not your time to go yet.”
“Well, what if it’s the pilot's time to go?”

It seems like everything in life is about timing.
My cousin dated a girl in college, broke up, and 10 years later reconnected. They eventually got married and now have a beautiful baby boy.
How’s that for timing?
As a fitness coach, I often get the following question…
Laurent, when is the best time to work out?

Are morning workouts better?

First, let me begin by saying that the best time to work out is the time that works best for you.
That being said, certain studies have been done on the subject.
And that’s what they found out.

1- When we work out in the morning, it gives us a metabolic rate boost

And why is that important? Well, when our metabolic rate is kickin’ early on during the day, it allows us to burn more calories even when we are sitting at our desks doing “nada”.

Is that cool or what? Our bodies then become a fat-burning factory.

2- Working out on the earlier side increases endorphins

Endorphines are often known as the "happy hormones" which help us feel great theoughout the day.
So instead of finding ways to seek revenge because a co-worker forgot to tighten up the lid on the sugar jar, we’ll find ourselves smiling happily while drinking a really sweet coffee.

3- Studies have shown that in particular, women who work out in the morning sleep better at night, compared to those who work out later during the day

That’s important because it helps us make better food choices. When we lack or have poor quality sleep, it affects hormones responsible for appetite, and as a result, it makes us crave even more unhealthy foods.

Mood Food

Fitness can positively affect our moods. What about food?
Instead of reaching for high-calorie, high sugar treats when feeling down, choose these healthy mood-boosting foods.

1- Blueberries

They are high in anthocyanins which is a pigment that gives blueberries their purple color.
One study concluded that anthocyanins decreased the risk of depression symptoms by 39%.
If you can’t find them fresh, frozen blueberries are also a great option.

2- Nuts and seeds

Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds provide tryptophan which is an amino acid responsible for producing mood-boosting serotonin.
More proof? A 10-year study linked moderate nut intake to a 23% lower risk of depression.

3- Coffee

Do you love your morning coffee?
Coffee helps release certain neurotransmitters responsible for boosting moods such as dopamine and norepinephrine. So go ahead and take coffee breaks more often.

My Take

Moving your body at any time of the day is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Now, if you are wondering if working out during one part of the day is better than another, then morning workouts, according to studies, have been shown to yield the most benefits.

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À bientôt,


Virginia Zaidenberg