Food Before a Workout?


Should you eat before a workout?

Clients have asked me this century-old question many times and I myself keep going back and forth about whether to eat or not to eat before a workout.
What I want to do is to share with you both sides of the story.

The Old Laurent

There was a time where I believed that in order to work out at a high intensity, you needed to fuel your body before a workout. Bodybuilders do it so why shouldn’t I?
So I would wake up, have a big carbohydrate-rich breakfast and then go to the gym.

The Newer Laurent

In the past year, I started working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and realized that my intensity did not change that much. I actually felt better.

So what is best in order to lose some extra pounds?

There are many factors to consider, which I have shared in full in this week’s newsletter.

For now, I’ll leave you with this useful chart to help you understand what you should eat pre-workout and post-workout and why.

what shoould I eat.png

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À bientôt,
