The Secret Formula to Weight Loss


70 - 30 Rule

About 60% to 85% of the calories you burn during the day are spent on basic functions like breathing, digestion and circulation.
In other words, If you were to lie in bed all day, you'd still burn these calories to allow your organs to function and to build or repair tissue.
This is called your resting metabolic rate or RMR.

The rest of your calorie burn is split between working out and doing your everyday activities like carrying your groceries or running after the kids.

Since you are more active during the day, it would only be natural that most of the calories you consume are in the first part of your day.
So why would you make your dinner the biggest meal of the day?

Research actually shows that people who eat the majority of their calories later in the day tend to eat more calories, weigh more and have more body fat.

Watch the video below for more information on the subject:


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