Do I need to supplement?


Evidence that supplements improve health for most people is inconsistent. In some cases, they may even cause harm.

And even though supplements are extremely popular, there is limited evidence that they offer any significant health benefits.

So why are people supplementing so much if health benefits are negligible or nonexistent?

There might be a placebo effect to taking supplements.

Many professionals will say that people feel healthier if they do something they believe makes them healthy.

So who needs supplements?

You likely don't need supplements if you're a healthy adult who eats a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and fish.

It’s always best to get your nutrients from a healthy diet. If you have a nutrient deficiency, just supplement with that specific nutrient. Multivitamins pack many nutrients, most of which you may not need.

If you have been taking a multivitamin for years, you feel good and you are not overdoing it, then keep going. But talking to a professional is best to find out if you need to supplement or not.

Take a look at the Periodic Table of Vitamins where you can find the daily recommendation of most vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also highlights the foods where you can naturally find them.

periodic table of vitamins.png

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Virginia Zaidenberg