From almost dead to Fitness Coach


I wasn’t supposed to make it. At least that’s what the doctors said. When they tell your parents to start praying because there is a 50-50 chance that you won’t make it, you know it’s not good.

I ended up staying at the hospital for one full month and had more tubes attached to me than Frankenstein. Long story short, at one point I decided to set short goals for myself, like walking to the bathroom, then to the bedroom door and then down the hallway.

Things started getting better to the point where I was running the hallways to the amazement of doctors and nurses. I was discharged from the hospital a few days after that.

The take-home message from this story is that movement saved my life.
I don’t know what would've happened if I didn’t take these first steps.
Nobody will ever know.
But I can almost guarantee that by just moving my body, I was able to leave the hospital. It’s not only the movement part but the change of attitude that came with it. That combination of feeling better, being happier, feeling positive are all contributors to me getting better and eventually looking at the other side of the hospital revolving doors.

When people tell me “I don’t have time to workout”, my answer is always, start small. Walk a short lap around your house, go in a pool and just move your arms, use the stairs instead of an elevator. That will make you feel great and that will have an impact on your attitude. The feel-good hormones will kick in and that few minutes will soon become 20 or 25 minutes. Change the mind first and the body will follow.

Most of the time, we tend to think first about the “bikini or speedo body” and get frustrated when we don’t see the results quickly and tap out soon after.
Why don’t we try this in reverse? Instead of thinking about your body, think about your mind. Move your body just because it makes you feel great. That will slowly morph into bigger changes like eating better, getting better sleep quality, drinking more water, and creating all the other health habits needed to change your physique. One small healthy habit influences the next.

Perhaps having gone through this, planted a seed in my brain about what I was going to do with my life.
Movement saved my life and now, I wanted to motivate and inspire others (while entertaining them) to do the same.

What is left now besides memory and a few big scars are my many years in the fitness field, meeting tons of interesting people, and setting and achieving professional goals that would’ve been impossible hadn’t I gone through this experience.

As I said, it all ends well. I’m looking forward to many more years inspiring and motivating people all around me.

Thank you for all your support over the years. I’m truly honored and blessed.

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À bientôt,
