Healthy Skin Tips


We spend a lot of money on anti-aging products.
How much? 330 billion dollars are spent globally on serums, masks, oils, tools, and magic creams.
But what if I told you that you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to get amazing results?

In this blog post, I am going to share with you my healthy skin tips that will assist you in achieving that beautiful glow and even help you reverse the effects of aging from the inside out.

Skin 101

We are all getting older, which is a good thing. The alternative is not that great.
But getting older does not mean that we have to look older.

One of the first signs of aging is our skin.
Smoking, sun exposure, unhealthy habits, and genetics all play a role in the appearance of our skin.

Certain things, like our genetics, we cannot control.
But we have control over everything else. And the choices we make today can dramatically impact the way our skin looks tomorrow.


Growing evidence suggests that exercise is responsible for evening out skin tone, calming puffiness, and flushing toxins.
The skin is the biggest detoxifying agent in our bodies.
When we push ourselves in the gym, we sweat, we increase blood flow and remove toxins that rejuvenate our skin.

That increased blood flow also helps send extra oxygen, essential nutrients, and hormones to the middle skin layer called the dermis, which provides elasticity to the skin.

In 2014, a study at McMaster University in Canada found that exercise can reverse skin aging (even if we begin exercising later in life).
The research also concluded that people who exercise regularly had younger-looking skin than their peers.

Have you noticed that we tend to break out more when we are stressed?

Exercise also helps reduce stress.
You see, when we stress, our bodies produce more cortisol which tells glands in our skin to make more oil. Oily skin is more prone to acne and other skin problems.

Foods for younger skin

Yes, certain foods can make us look younger.

Here are my top-5 foods that will improve skin appearance:

1- Olive Oil:

Olive oil can help keep our skin looking younger.
The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil can help protect the skin from sun damage.
Additionally, nearly 73% of olive oil consists of monounsaturated fat, which is associated with increased skin elasticity and firmness.

2- Green Tea:

Green Tea is rich in a plant compound called polyphenols which may protect collagen, the main protein in our skin. This may reduce and even partly reverse some signs of aging.

3- Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, which protect the skin from sun damage.
Also, high flavanol cocoa helps with better blood flow to the skin and also improvs skin thickness, hydration, and smoothness.
Make sure you choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids.

4- Avocados:

Avocados contain polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols which help fight inflammation, protect our skin from the sun, and repair damaged DNA.
Guacamole, anyone?

5- Walnuts:

Walnuts, which are high in omega-3 can help ramp up the production of collagen which can help keep skin plump and youthful-looking.
Go nuts!!!

My Take

When it comes to more youthful skin, wouldn’t you rather treat it from the inside?

Being committed to exercising can help you reverse the aging process. What kind of exercise is best?

I would do a mix of cardiovascular and strength conditioning drills. You want to increase and improve blood circulation and increase muscle mass. Begin with once a week. Go for a walk and see what happens? You may come back from that walk feeling and looking younger.

Your goal should be at least 30 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week.

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À bientôt,


Virginia Zaidenberg