The Healthy Back Stretches And Exercises


1- Good Mornings- Repeat 5 times

2- Wipers- Repeat 5 times per side

3- Hip rotations- Repeat 3 times per side. Then do 3 repetitions in the opposite direction.

4- Trunk rotations- Repeat 3 times per side.

5- Shoulder stretch- Repeat 3 times per side with a 2-second hold.

6- Lower back lean- Repeat 5 times with a 2-second hold.

7- Piriformis stretch- Repeat 3 times per side. 5-second hold per side.

8- Hamstrings stretch-2 ways. Repeat 5 times per side. 2-second hold.

9- Lower Back stretch- Repeat 5 times. 5-second hold.

10- Core drills (3 drills)- Repeat 10 times or for time (20 seconds non-stop for example).

11- Supermen- 2 ways. Repeat 10 times.

12- Back strengthener. 2 ways. Repeat 5 times per side.

13- Knee to chest. 3 ways. Repeat 5 times per side.

14- Child’s pose- Repeat 5 times with a 5-second hold

15- Hip openers- 2 ways. 5 times per side.

16- Back stretch leaning on the side- Repeat 5 times per side with a 2-second hold.

17-Bridges- 2 ways. 1-legged and 2-legged. Repeat 10 times.

18- Hip Flexor stretch- Repeat 5 times per side with a 2-second hold.

19- Hip openers- 2 ways. Repeat 5 reps per side. 2-second hold.

20- Frog stretch- Repeat 5 times with a 2-second hold.

21- Chest/shoulders stretch- 2 ways. Repeat 5 times per side. 2-second hold.


Virginia Zaidenberg